Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I was listening to the radio this morning and the DJ was refering to someone as Mr. Jaya and Mrs. Ananthi Jaya (all names are fictitious). I was listening to a Tamil radio station and the names were Indian names. I notice it is kind of common to use the husband's name after their name among married Indian women. Of course, not everyone does it but many people do. This got me thinking, did this practice start as a result of the British influence during colonization or has it been there even before that. I am not an expert in literature but from whatever classic Tamil literature I have read, I have never seen this practice. For example, everyone called Kannagi as Kannagi, nobody called her as Kannagi Kovalan. People often talk about Valluvan Vasugi as a couple but I have yet to hear anyone refering to her as Vasugi Valluvan. Therefore, I think it must be something that came much later. However, I may be wrong. If they are any experts in this, please do leave a comment.